Published study involving United Airlines pilots, Police and Fire Departments.
Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy, May 2016
Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Shane.
In 1991, my life and my clinical focus took a turn, as I had two major life crises occur in the same week. This caused extreme anxiety and soon after I developed severe insomnia. Over the next year I slept an average of only three hours a night. This devastated my life.
I tried all the treatments, but nothing worked.
At that moment, I began a decades long journey to learn more about how sleep happens. My findings became the Sleep Easy Method. My method has led to features in 100+ medical journals and publications like the International Journal of Sleep Disorders. I’ve worked with large medical groups serving over 300,000 patients and with companies like United Airlines, Hewlett-Packard, and more. But I know there are still millions with sleep disorders.
Sleep Easy is a comprehensive sleep solution developed over 20 years. Used by individuals worldwide who suffer from extreme insomnia & other sleep difficulties.
Our mission is to apply what I’ve learned to
help you sleep better. My Sleep Easy programs offer help to people from every income level – ranging from my free app to a
6-week, personalized sleep treatment program with me and my team.
We’re committed to you sleeping better –
or your money back.
Get a FREE evaluation with one of my trained sleep consultants
“Sleep Easy saved my life. After being on Ambien for 15 years, I am now not taking anything at night and am getting the best sleep I have had in years.”
Becky R., Travel Advisor, Golden, CO
Here’s How It Works
1. Schedule a FREE consultation
with a trained sleep consultant
2. Receive your sleep assessment and
explore programs that work for you
3. Start sleeping better tonight
4. Feel the positive impact
good sleep has on your life