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Start Transforming Your Life Through Better Sleep
We want to provide you a solution that will meet your personal needs and have you sleeping easy.
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In this 30 minute sleep consultation, we will be identifying your sleep challenges and work with you on a personalized solution.
“Sleep Easy saved my life. After being on Ambien for 15 years, I am now not taking anything at night and am getting the best sleep I have had in years. Thank you!”
Becky r., golden, colorado
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As an insomniac, who had already tried absolutely everything else on the market I was skeptical, but also desperate. Sleep Easy worked immediately to help me fall asleep and also lull me back to sleep. I count my blessings the day I discovered Sleep Easy.
susan h., Boulder, co
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The Blog
Check our our blog for helpful information regarding some of the most common sleep issues.
Ask Dr. Shane: How Can I Eliminate the Need for Sleep Medication?
With over 20 years of experience as a Behavioral Sleep Therapist, I’ve worked with many patients who use sleep medication for some relief from…
Continue Reading Ask Dr. Shane: How Can I Eliminate the Need for Sleep Medication?
Ask Dr. Shane: What is Insomnia?
Many people mistakenly think insomnia is when someone hardly sleeps at all. That’s not true, so I prefer to call it, “Difficulty sleeping.” Difficulty…
Ask Dr. Shane: How Can I Sleep Better Tonight?
How many times have you lay in bed trying to quiet your mind? It may feel like it’s difficult to get to sleep because…
Continue Reading Ask Dr. Shane: How Can I Sleep Better Tonight?